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From Pain to Power!


My life motto is turning your trauma into triumphs and pain into power by forgiving, Living, Laughing, and Loving!


The Lord said Trust Who I Am; I’m inside of you!


Brokenness for me was when I felt all hope was gone. I remember when my brokenness hit me genuinely hard. When the judge stated, YOU WILL NEED HELP! All I could think was of my children, a mother of a shattered heart. I knew I had to prepare a life not only for me but them as well of happiness. I read the scripture, and the Lord's words turned to me, and I asked to have mercy on me, for I was in deep distress.


At night walking through my journey, my nightly prayer started with the scripture Psalm 23 and ended with the Lord’s prayer for many years. You and I may be broken, but we are still beautiful in God’s eye. I remember rejoicing in the Lord every morning, embarking on my three favorite worship songs. Yes, the last to end my workday jamming the music delighting the God In Me! Those songs kept me motivated when I needed strength and endurance daily.


I realized I was faced with a lot of unknown triggers. And all these things were new to me in a blink of a moment. The Lord says with scripture Be Still know I’m with you and know I AM GOD! Those are some powerful words with obedience.


Forgiveness! Whew! Let’s take a pause and a deep breath! (Join me now inhale and exhale 3x) I thank you, Lord, for the wisdom of other women's life I viewed that was much older than me. I ask the Lord for forgiveness and help me to forgive. I didn’t want to hold myself hostage to emotional, mental, and physical trauma and pain. The weight of the trauma and pain was too much to bear. My heart was so silently full of pain with a smile.


My life, as I view it looking back, was a potato with many felt stick pins piecing in the heart. Letting go of past hurt takes the pins out how patiently over the years. It’s continuously worked to maintain.  Allow the Lord to fill them with his attributes of Love for myself. Allow the Lord to peel away the layers.


The Lord's words, I am leaving you with a gift, peace of mind, and heart. And the peace I give is a gift that the world cannot provide. God’s love is loyal and can’t run out! His mercy endures forever. They are renewing each morning!


Be Set Free!

Brokenness, Abuse, Pain, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Trauma, Depression, PTSD, Affliction, Defeat, Sorrow, Shame, Guiltiness, Suppression, Triggers, Overwhelmed, Frustration, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Fear, Anger, Embarrassment, Suicidal


The Reflection of Me! I thank the Lord for HIS LOVE. NEVER QUIT!

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